Place: Foro Romano (The Roman Forum)
Notes:The Forum used to be the heart of ancient Rome, with its markets, wedding temples and senate house. It was a meeting point for politicians of that time. Adjacent to the original Forum, many others were built. Among them: the Cesar Forum, the Traian Forum, the August Forum, the Nerva Forum and the Forum to the Peace.
Not to be missed: The Saint Joseph of the Carpenters church (Chiesa di San Giuseppe dei Falegnami) and the Mamertine Prison (Carcere Mamertino).

Next: Piazza Venezia
By: Walk (at the end of the road, about 10 minutes)


[Termini] [S.Maria Magg.] [S.Pietro in Vincoli] [Colosseo] [Fori] [P.zza Venezia] [Quirinale] [P.zza della Repubblica]