to the Greeks, the Romans worshipped various Gods, but in a slightly different
way. They did it for their own benefit. Their offerings had a special
The Romans believed that the souls of their dead would have survived and
helped them in case of need. So, they worshipped the dead as protecting
gods of their homes.
They wouldn't undertake anything important without a sign of the Gods'
approval. Romans took into consideration the flight of birds, if the sacred
chickens ate or didn't eat the food offered them, or analyzed the entrails
of dead animals.
Some emperors interpreted the outcomes at their pleasure; others repeated
the tests until the result was in their favor. A battle, undertaken with
the favor of gods, meant a sure success.
Other religions were tolerated and frequently the Romans worshipped foreign
divinities too. The situation was different for Christianity. Its followers
did not participate in the social life of the other citizens and refused
to adore the Emperor. For these reasons, many doubted their loyalty and
the persecution of the Christians soon began.
(Rita B.)
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