Free time
Francesco Totti (Soccer)
Lazio (Soccer)

To become bored in Rome is almost impossible. There's quite a variety of attractions and sports. To those who love sports, Rome offers two soccer teams in "series A". The Italian Championship 1999-2000 SS Lazio and the AS Roma. Also rugby and basketball are popular sport.
For those who love to gamble there is also the "cinodromo" (dog races) and numerous places for betting in the perfect "English Bookmaker" style. Pubs, restaurants, and discos allow you to party at any time day or night!
From the months of June through September, at the hippodrome of Capannelle, there is a famous "fiesta" (for the Romans). Music and Latin-American culture are celebrated. An event not to be missed, especially for the men who appreciate beautiful South-American women!

(Rita B.)

9 years old
21 months old

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